Our Company

We develop people and organizations to a higher level of performance and satisfaction. By establishing quality taking advantage of an intelligent and systematic approach. By working together and showing appreciation. By advocating the best possible solution with courage and dedication.

Kölner Institut für Managementberatung GmbH (KI.M) is a consultancy with a focus on personnel management and organisational consulting.

The KI.M has grown continously since 1999 and even the organisational composition is aligned with the market developments and the current client requirements. We bundle our know-how and our experiences with regards to our key competences. We put emphasis on ensuring quality, continuity and reliability in our collaboration with clients by mostly permanent employees, who we have supported in their development over many years.

  • Founding year: 1999
  • Founder and Management: Prof. Dr. Christian Dries and Dipl.-Psych. Dagmar Hanewinkel
  • Team: 25 permanent employees and a network of project partners with mostly psychological or economic background
  • Scientific advisory board: Prof. Dr. Staufenbiel (University of Osnabrück) and Prof. Dr. Eid (FU Berlin)